What is Archeo
Archeo is a cloud-based business processes and messaging logging service. The service is developed by Communicate Norge AS, based in Halden, Norway.
Communicate Norge AS has decades of experience developing software to support integrations between systems and integration has been their core business since their inception in 1999. In 2006 Communicate created Message Tracking Monitor. This is an on-premise solution that gives customers logging and control over their business processes, integrations and corresponding messages.
Archeo is built on the mindset of Message Tracking Monitor and the knowledge of the challenges businesses face in day to day operations. In a world where theres ever-increasing demand for digital transformation, having good overview, logging and insight of the business becomes more and more important.
We know that in a fast growing and rapidly changing environment, it is difficult to get an overview and follow up on message transactions and information flow throughout systems.
Archeo offers a way to log data and message transactions giving the user insight and overview over all the business processes and offers easy and effective search capabilities. This includes free text search in all content, and a broad selection of filters.
Archeo is a cloud-based solution. It does not require any on-premise installations or pre-requisites. All information provided to Archeo is done through a REST-based API. A cloud based portal is available for accessing all information logged and searching for your business processes, getting your statistics and configuration.
The user interface is designed to make anyone in your organization able to use this service, and one of the main goals is that the end users such as application and system owners can follow up on their own business processes and messages.
Configuration who gets to see what is role based and different roles can be given to different user groups. This includes the possibility to restrict certain user groups from opening the file contents of a logged message transaction in your business process.
Log your first message transaction in minutes, with the easily accessible REST API. We promise you will be up and running in minutes.