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June 28th, 2019

· One min read
Archeo Team
  • Clicking a link to a logged file will now open in the browser if the extension is supported by your browser. Use the download icon next to the filename to download the file directly.
  • Freetext search now also searches logged descriptions and file names.
  • Filtering on sender and receiver will now return results even if the chosen sender and receiver are on different log steps within the same transaction.
  • It is now possible to label API keys when creating them.
  • Filename is now saved and searchable even if there is no file content logged.
  • Administering access rights for user groups have been made more user friendly.
  • Searching and displaying the transaction id is now possible. This is an optional feature and is toggleable by using the settings icon on the top right of the search ui.
  • A variety of bugs have been fixed.